Auxiliary Cable

The Music of Today for the People of Tomorrow

All right you guys, I know many of you have already heard about "Friday" by Rebecca Black and I know a lot of you either groan or laugh when it is mentioned, but we still have to remember guys, she's only human. 

Rebecca Black, the notorious artist who came out with "Friday" and hit 44 million views on Youtube as of  March 24, 2011, has been the constant talk on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook since her video became popular. Many of you are probably thinking "How could she not be, have you heard her song? It's horrible," and you know what you guys? I have and I have never felt more let down by society than when I heard this song and read the comments under the video. When I heard "Friday" I thought 'Wow, this is uh...This is something' which was then followed by a frown. I mean, how can someone come out with a song like this one and have it produced and made into a music video? The lyrics were so poor I couldn't help but think 'This girl cannot be that bad.' That's when I decided to do some research. Apparently Black did not even write the song "Friday," her music company , ARK Music Company, wrote the song for her as they do with the rest of the young artists signed to their label. Black was only signed to sing and perform the highly rated iTunes single as part of a $2,000 deal her mother paid for. Knowing this information, I felt horrible for the 13 year-old artist who received countless of hurtful comments by people world-wide. I thought 'Oh my goodness, so many people are bashing her for a song she never even wrote and all she can do is stand there and take it.' It was honestly upsetting to see all the comments that consisted of "You should kill youself" and "You are the biggest fail of all time." Although I do agree the song is terrible, I do not agree that it is okay to bully someone with comments so negative that their mental health could be damaged. Black wanted to be the well known singer her company promised her to be, but all she can be recognized for now is as the "dumb girl who sang Friday." This is pretty sad you guys, tear. 

If y'all want to read more on the background of Rebecca Black's Friday, here is an article by MTV and here is an article by The Daily Beast.

Here it is you guys, "Friday" by Rebecca Black. Courtesy by Youtube.

Guess what tomorrow is you guys. It's Friday. You know what's significant about Friday? It's Friday, Friday. Gotta get down on Friday.~

I'm sorry, I just had to do it.


(9) Comments

  1. BCROnMyMuffins On March 25, 2011 at 6:50 AM


    Blizz On March 25, 2011 at 6:52 AM

    Yup, lyrics are pretty bad... :P

    Blizz On March 25, 2011 at 6:54 AM

    I completely agree. The lyrics are, uh, questionable and the auto-tuning is, uh, equally questionable, but no one should be issuing death threats. I mean, it's just a song. If you don't like it, stop listening to it. Problem solved.


    25K Magazine On March 25, 2011 at 7:17 AM

    I think youre right, it is sad that this girl had to sing a song that doesn't show off her talent.

    Vinyl Staff On March 25, 2011 at 10:47 AM

    The articles you linked to were cool to read and I totally agree with your point. The song is hiiiiiiiiiiiilarious, but jeez! Adults telling a 13 year old girl that she should kill herself? If that happened in real life instead of just online, those people would probably face some sort of legal action or therapy.

    Vinyl Staff On March 25, 2011 at 10:59 AM

    I had a whole comment typed out, but it got deleted.

    Death threats are ridiculous. However, she is a terrible singer, and personally, I would have no subjected myself to singing that kind of music (and paying $2000, nonetheless) if I had a voice like that. Actually, even with a voice like Beyonce's, I wouldn't sing the song. Even if I didn't have to pay.

    - EJE

    Vinyl Staff On March 25, 2011 at 11:11 AM

    That record company is just terrible. They shouldn't be able to promise anyone a song, knowing that they're not going to become a hit--at least not a serious hit, one that will earn for her later and life and allow her to be anything but a laughing stock. She can't sing worth crap, but she's thirteen and it was $2K... I think it may be less her responsibility, and more on the company that would scam her like this.


    Auxiliary Cable On March 25, 2011 at 11:16 AM

    She's made 25,000 dollars on the song already, not to mention getting on dozens of talk shows. Tons of people are expecting her to make a million dollars on this song. You can tell she's a good singer, that song is just so monotone that ANYONE singing it would sound pretty silly. She's been praised by lady gaga, simon cowell, etc.


    Nom.Nom. On March 25, 2011 at 1:18 PM

    Interesting....I feel bad for her now, too, but seriously, the song is absolutely terrible.


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